Insurance Distribution Channels in Spain - Bancassurance, Agents and Brokers - 2021.12 Overview
Life and non-Life insurance distribution channels: value by business (in %) - 2021.12 Source: INSURANCE DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS IN SPAIN - RESEARCH REPORT
Life and non-Life insurance distribution channels: value by business (in %) - 2021.12 Source: INSURANCE DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS IN SPAIN - RESEARCH REPORT
Net written premiums value by business line. Overview bancassurance vs insurance agents (corporate only).
Credit. Debit Cards and ATM terminals. Performance overview. YOY% number of cards and market share. POS and ATM transactions 2021.Q1 YOY% (value and transactions).
Life and Non-Life insurance premiums. Sales channels. Agents, Brokers, Direct, Internet, Mobile and Bancassurance.
ATM transaction value (Euros) and volume in Spain - Annual change %