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Consumer and Commercial Credit Market in Guatemala - 2023.12 Rankings

Total credit portfolio in Guatemala
As of Q4.2023, the loan portfolio volume in Guatemala reached Q$ 264.252 million, reflecting a 12.2% year-over-year nominal increase across both local and foreign currency placements. Throughout 2023, the credit business exhibited diverse trends by financing type. Collateral placements saw a 17% annual growth, the mortgage portfolio experienced a 10% annual increase, commercial and business lines averaged an 8.3% annual rise, and credit card financings surged by 37.3% compared to the end of 2022.

Market share growth rankings among competitors, considering all financing lines, reveal BANTRAB leading with a +0.70 market share point gain, followed by BANCO CHN with +0.55 points and BANCO INDUSTRIAL with +0.51 points. PROMERICA and INTERBANCO complete the top five leaders with advances of +0.25 and +0.20 points, respectively.

Examining the total portfolio volume as of December 2023, INDUSTRIAL BANK secures the top spot, encompassing consumer and commercial loans in local and foreign currency, with a commanding 32% market share. Following are BANRURAL (15.7%), G&T (11.2%), BAC (9.9%), and BANTRAB (9.5%), collectively managing 78% of the local credit volume. The remaining 13 banking entities handle the rest.

The market share distribution fluctuates significantly across different financing types. For instance, in the consumer portfolio, PROMERICA, BAC, BANCO INDUSTRIAL, and BANRURAL jointly oversee nearly 80% of the business. Meanwhile, in commercial financing with guarantees, BANCO INDUSTRIAL, BAM, and INTERBANCO together manage 68% of the portfolio.