eCommerce Market Latin America - 2022.Q4 Overview
eCommerce Volume Y-o-Y% (FX neutral*) and eCommerce items Sold Y-o-Y% Source: MercadoLibre Unique user metrics Y-o-Y% - LatAm average Source: MercadoLibre
eCommerce Volume Y-o-Y% (FX neutral*) and eCommerce items Sold Y-o-Y% Source: MercadoLibre Unique user metrics Y-o-Y% - LatAm average Source: MercadoLibre
eCommerce in Latin America - eShoppers by country 2023e Source: eCOMMERCE IN LATIN AMERICA STATISTICS AND MARKET PROJECTIONS by COUNTRY (18 countries)
eCommerce Volume Y-o-Y% (FX neutral*) and eCommerce items Sold Y-o-Y% Unique user metrics Y-o-Y% - LatAm average Sources: Mercado Libre Downloads: eCommerce in Latin America...
eCommerce in Latin America - Country ranking by market size in USD - 2023e vs 2013 (%) Source: eCommerce in Latin America market...
eCommerce Market in Latin America - Performance indicators highlights Y-o-Y% (2022vs2021) - 2022.Q3 (consolidated data from 18 countries) eCommerce Market in Latin America...