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Loan clients in Brazil - 2023.06 competitor monitoring

Loan clients in Brazil
Loan clients in Brazil - competitor monitoring Q2.2023 ranking
NUBANK led the ranking in capturing market share in the number of clients with active loans with a growth of 1.21 market share points in the second quarter of 2023. The group of the five competitors that had the greatest growth in the quarter includes BANCO MERCANTIL, M PAGAMENTOS (MARISA STORES), INTER and BMG.
At the same time, the five leading competitors in number of clients at the end of the quarter (ITAU, NUBANK, BRADESCO, CAIXA and SANTANDER) together manage 48.9% of the market.

The number of credit clients in Brazil at the end of June 2023 reached 264.5 million (almost 1.4 million new clients compared to the previous quarter). This implies strong growth compared to the same period of the previous year and the incorporation of a net of 26.1 million clients into the country's credit system.

On the other hand, the number of credit transactions also shows sustained growth, reaching 666 million operations as of June (a quarterly growth of 2% and a year-on-year increase of 13%).