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ATM Market in Latin America - Overview

The ATM Market in Latin America Report (Industry size and forecast 2019 Q3) is now available online. This report studies the ATM (Automated Teller Machine) market size by country, history data 2011-2018, 2019e and forecast data 2020f-2022f. 

This database presents the Latin American ATM market size (units, transactions, value in local currencies, value in USD, density and penetration indicators) by country. Through the statistical analysis, the report depicts the regional ATM industry helping industry leaders to make assured investment decisions, develop strategies and improve their sales. 

In 2019, the market size of ATM in Latin America is 16.400 million transactions and it will reach 17.400 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 2.7% from 2011

ATM Market in Latin America vs Global Market (Number of terminals)

ATM Market in Latin America Number of terminals

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f: Number of units, by country

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f Number of units by country

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f: Number of transactions, by country

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f Number of transactions by country

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f: Value of transactions (USD bill.)

ATM Market in Latin America 2022f Value of transactions (USD bill.) by country

ATM Market in Latin America: Overall size (units, annual change %) forecast scenarios (18 countries average)

ATM Market in Latin America Overall size (units) forecast scenarios - 18 countries average

ATM penetration in Latin America: 

ATM penetration by country in latin america figures

ATM Market in Latin America vs ATM Global Market: Overall size (units, annual change %) 

ATM Market in Latin America: Overall size (units, annual change %) forecast scenarios (18 countries average)

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